Alabama Firearms Academy is the only range with an acoustic, military-grade rubber to hold 2000 rounds of ammo in each square. You can shoot 180 degrees in the range without ricocheting bullets.

Our Facility

About Us
View our promo video for details on AFA,
what we offer and why it is unique!

Our main priority at Alabama Firearms Academy is to assist in the development of all shooting sports by providing members, families, and the community with the training, products, and services by offering a safe and comfortable facility. Recognizing first responders and service members of our country, providing excellent customer service, promoting sportsmanship and fellowship, and empowering women by providing resources needed for home defense. We provide knowledge to possess and utilize firearms when needed, all while maintaining a firm belief and focus on safety while pursuing these priorities.

Ladies Corner

Family Oriented

Personal Service

Expert Staff

Wide Range of Products

Retail Gun Shop

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